Science and Technology in Harmony with Humanity

科技与人文和谐发展 ——同济二附中Fans团队荣获RWDC真实世界设计挑战赛全球赛“最佳创意奖”

发布时间:2020-04-30  文章来源:同济大学第二附属中学  访问量:




“Real World Design Challenge (RWDC) 真实世界设计挑战是起源于美国并面向全球高中生的航空航天设计项目。它为学生们在挑战真实世界工程问题上提供了团队合作的环境。每年的展评活动,学生团队都将需要共同研究,设计一款无人驾驶飞机系统来解决一个主导产业所面临的挑战。学生们将利用专业工程软件来开发解决方案,并生成的一个报告来合理论证其解决方案的价值。(摘自官方比赛手册)



2020425日,同济二附中Fans团队在陆元琪老师的带领下,参加了2020RWDCReal World Design Challenge)真实世界设计挑战全球赛。全英文答辩过程中,学生们的理工素养得到评委会的一致认可,并凭借独到的无人机设计,荣获全球赛最佳创意奖





Merit awardsnational Most Creative



Vehicle concept was a double hull airship as one vehicle option. Benefits were better stability as well as load carrying capability.








本次大赛,共有6支中国团队获奖,我校Fans团队凭借双体氦气飞艇的独特设计,荣获全球赛“Merit awardsnationalMost Creative最佳创意奖





伍可非:Since Oct. 2nd , when our team was engaged, we started to cooperate for 206 days. We applied the knowledge of all subjects and demonstrated everyone’s strengths in different areas. By using Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics, we overcame one obstacle after another. Besides, as this is an international competition, fluent oral English and writing skills are also needed to communicate with the professors and achieve our goal. The experiences of working diligently together towards a common goal are unforgettable memories and will last for our lifetime. 


1 学生设计的两款无人机(creo建模)

2 项目商务细则

3 同济大学航空航天与力学院李军教授亲临同济二附中指导项目

4 参赛合影



Our plan was to use 6 six-propeller UAVs and 3 airships to complete the mission. In all, there are 9 UAVs. Among them, the six-propeller UAVs are responsible for low distance delivery while the airships are responsible for long distance destinations. On another word, our airship can cover the areas listed in the competition demand and ready to serve areas outside by adjusting the tank size as well.

The landmarks used by dual sensors to navigate the UAVs when GPS fails should be placed before the 30 days’ work begins. The working principle of this system will be introduced in detail in the main text. In the system, six-propeller UAVs starting procedure starts with a replace of fully charged battery. After this, it will be pulled out from the hanger, being loaded while performing a safety check before taking off. The design of the six propeller UAVs is similar to common UAVs while the differences will be described in the main text. The airship will be taken off vertically after a crew free the ropes and open the ceiling of the hanger. The airship will keep the altitude of 200 meters in order to avoid collision with the power supply lines. The airship is kept balance by the propellers mounted at the corners.

The six propeller UAVs will lower itself to about 30 cm above the destination before dropping the packages. While the airship will keep its altitude at 200 meters and a mechanical cargo shelf lowered by an electric motor. The impact of wind is also calculated although this is not required in the competition. As far as the wind speed is lower than 7.9m/s, the accuracy of the dropping position could satisfy the requirements.

The UAVs return after a cycle of delivery is completed. The batteries and the tank size are chosen to make sure the 20 minutes of remaining flight time after the work is done.

Arriving at the base, the UAVs will land by itself accurately in the base. They will be treated to get ready for the next mission. Several emergency situations are also included in the design.